Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Marrow Donation Update

You might remember that back in July, before Logan was born, John was able to donate stem cells for a bone marrow donation (see July posts). We didn't know who the recipient was...only that it was a boy younger than one year old and had no immune system. John was a perfect, 100% match for this baby. We still do not know the location or name of the recipient, but this winter, John received an update from the family.

We learned that the recipient is currently about 18 months old and endured chemo very well, coming home from the hospital last fall with almost all his hair. He loves people, music and anything with buttons he can push (sounds familiar to us!). He now walks on his own and has several teeth.

The letter, though anonymous, was heartfelt, calling the recipient "your new little brother" who has a "chance at a normal life". What a blessing to US to be able to give life to a baby boy and his young family.

John may have been the one to donate, but we feel that we have been blessed by the experience. Having Logan has given us a completely new perspective on what a gift a donation like this can mean. We pray for this little brother, for his continued health and for blessings on his family.

We hope to get another update sometime this year, considering all is well...we'll keep you posted!

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