Monday, November 10, 2014

Princess Tea Party

Our Children's Museum in Eau Claire hosts a Princess Tea Party every year and I thought it would be fun to take Eden this year since she has started to recognize some of the "princesses" and know some of their stories.  It was a Sunday afternoon so while Dad was at church we got ready.  Bennett came down in his Spiderman suit because he wanted to go to the Tea Party and he thought he should dress up.  Eden was excited to wear her Princess Sofia dress.
Since I had to explain that the Tea Party was just for the girls, we decided to have our own little tea party at home.

After john got home from church, it was almost time for us to leave. 

We had to wait to enter through a special entrance (just for Princesses!) and Eden was pretty excited and very curious.

This was the only Princess she got a photo with...she ended up being a little nervous about the characters.

Anna & Elsa

She wanted her face painted, so we waited in line for that.

I couldn't believe she wanted her face painted!  The boys have never wanted to do it! She sat so still.

There were some snacks...Eden mostly wanted to eat the frosting off the mini cupcakes.

She was feeling shy!

Then there was some time for playing at the museum.  We did a couple other little crafts, but she wasn't too into it.  There was a lot of waiting, so I think her patience ran out.

The cutest Princess of them all!  The tea party wasn't really our thing...but it sure was fun to do something special with my girl!

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