Monday, May 26, 2014

Bennett's Party Program Spring 2014

Tonight was a big night for Bennet - his last Party Program at Noah's Ark!!  All the kids wanted to dress nice for the program and Bennett was excited to share with us all the songs he has been learning.  All the grandparents made it over for Bennett's big night!

The boys had to practice some moves with their shadows before we left.  #boyswillbeboys

The kids always do such a great job.  Its so fun to watch them sing and have fun together!  Our time with Noah's Ark now takes a short break while we wait a year for Eden to be old enough for preschool.  The boys have been there for 4 year straight, collectively - all with the same wonderful teachers and all with Mrs. Lien as their home base teacher.  We feel blessed to have the kids at Noah's Ark.  Bennett has grown so much and learned so much and changed so much in these last two years at Noah's Ark.  He will be off to his next adventure but we will enjoy being around NA for a few more years in the future.

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