Thursday, July 24, 2014

Colorado Springs: Garden of the Gods

Our first big outing in Colorado Springs was a morning with picnic packed at Garden of the Gods.  Just a short drive from our rental house, we packed picnics and lots of water for a hot morning hike around the rock formations.  It was a fun and hot and tiring morning!
The boys were intrigued by this rattle snake warning

Eden got a shaded ride, so she was lucky!

The scenery is breathtaking - speaks for itself!

Logan had his goggle along for some bird watching.

Bennett wasn't sure he wanted to keep going...tired legs and hot/sweaty aren't the best combo.

There were fun signs along the way to help us spot some wildlife.

We frequently found some little patches of shade and a rock to rest on.

The history of the Garden of the Gods is really amazing - gifted to the state of CO by an individual on the terms that it would be free for people to explore.

An early lunch again...

And then the kids were fueled up enough to climb!

Eden wasn't to be left out:

and John either...

The trails were so nice and wide and smooth

We just kept going, walking and finding more trails and climbing and bouldering

The boys were really adventurous!  Eden and I stayed close behind...

She wasn't too adventurous (which was fine with me!)

We even got a family photo!

After a long hot hike, we drive through Manitou Springs and thought it looked like a fun spot.  We we first grabbed a yummy ice cream (Eden was asleep!)

We walked the streets a little and then it didn't take long before the kids noticed the "penny arcade".  They had some spending money, so they insisted on trying out a few games and rides.

Eden woke up just in time to try a couple games, too.

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