Saturday, May 31, 2014

Orchard Wedding

We went to a beautiful wedding over the holiday weekend.  John officiated for a special couple.  Jake was a Young Lifer when we were here in Eau Claire doing YL.  He is marrying a sweet girl, Kaitlyn and she has a beautiful daughter, Bella.  They had a beautiful southern style ceremony on a beautiful day.  The kids loved running around the orchard.

Eden serenaded with "Let it Go"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Random Spring 2014

I have been so bad about updating the blog and I now have all these random photos from the spring on my iPhone.  So…here they are.  :)

Dad declared a movie night!  Eden helped with the popcorn!

So tired from life…but John brought me a latte today.

Eden is getting into having "babies" - today its the Easter Bunny in the bumbo seat!

And of course she sometimes has to be in the bumbo, too.

Friends over after preschool for lunch and playtime!

Eden started climbing out of her crib, so we took one side down.  Eden said, "Hey, why did you take the top off?"

We enlisted the boys to help her get excited about her new big girl bed!

And we anticipated sleepless nights while this firecracker has free reign to get in and out of bed at night.  yikes!

Art projects

Sleepy kids…and these two are twin sleepers!

Eden helping Papa make pancakes at our house for dinner.

Eden counts to 11, 12, sometimes to 15…all by herself!!!

Princess Sofia

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A week with the boys!

After Bennett's party program, Eden went over to my parents to spend the rest of the week.  John is away for his last (yay!) solo trip to Colorado for class.  So, for the rest of the week, its just me and my boys!  Its so chilly, but we are still enjoying the outdoors - since its spring and all…just doesn't feel like it!  Tonight we enjoyed Logan's soccer game and kept warm with being silly on the sidelines.

Me and my Benny

Logan's been having a fun spring soccer season with friends from school on his team.

Logan is usually the tallest or nearly the tallest player and he is starting to have more skill this spring with handling the ball down the field.

He's always having so much fun and is so animated on the field.  Next year, we might need to have the "excessive celebration" conversation with him.  :)  The teams don't keep score and everyone usually claps when either team scores, so its pretty low key for now.

Bennett showed me lots of tricks while we watched.  I'm enjoying spending time with my boys.  I told them we could go out for dinner together tonight, but they really just wanted to make pizza at home, so that was easy!  It amazing the difference without having Eden around and just the "big kids" - we miss Eden, but its a fun chance for us to do some big kid stuff together. :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bennett's Party Program Spring 2014

Tonight was a big night for Bennet - his last Party Program at Noah's Ark!!  All the kids wanted to dress nice for the program and Bennett was excited to share with us all the songs he has been learning.  All the grandparents made it over for Bennett's big night!

The boys had to practice some moves with their shadows before we left.  #boyswillbeboys

The kids always do such a great job.  Its so fun to watch them sing and have fun together!  Our time with Noah's Ark now takes a short break while we wait a year for Eden to be old enough for preschool.  The boys have been there for 4 year straight, collectively - all with the same wonderful teachers and all with Mrs. Lien as their home base teacher.  We feel blessed to have the kids at Noah's Ark.  Bennett has grown so much and learned so much and changed so much in these last two years at Noah's Ark.  He will be off to his next adventure but we will enjoy being around NA for a few more years in the future.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Scott and Jess visit!

We were so lucky to have a visit from John's brother Scott and his wife Jess!  They spent the long weekend in Minnesota and made an afternoon trip over to see us and our house for the first time.  We were so happy to host them!  They are going to be adding a baby girl to their family in August, so it was extra special to see them this summer!  The boys did lots of racing in the yard.  Brothers vs brothers.  There may-or-may-not have been some pulled muscles.  :)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Soccer Saturday

With both boys in soccer this fall and spring Saturdays for each season are busy for the 6 week run of AYSO.  Bennett is on the Gophers and he is enjoying it with some friends on his team!  It was still chilly this week, but we at least enjoyed some sunshine for the game!
Baggie had the tough job of snuggling with Eden since she fell asleep.  Look how big she is!!  No longer a baby, I guess.

Bennett LOVES to have people watch his games.  But look out : you better be paying attention because Bennett will quiz you after the game to be sure you didn't blink.  :)

The boys have to watch and wait patiently for their games since they are not always back-to-back.  Usually, we bring some extra soccer balls to run around with (and helps keep warm!).

There you can see Bennett kicking a GOAL!!

This sequence is just too fun not to share: Super Bennett on the field.  Look out here he comes!

Bennett led the team through high fives at the end of a great game!

Meanwhile, Logan read books to our good friend, Henry while the boys played.