Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Evening Storytime

John was away for a meeting last night so we made the most of it by making it a special night!  Logan is taking a field trip on Friday and Bennett has a special date with Dad on Saturday - both are going to see a show at the Children's Theatre: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse.  We aren't familiar with the story, so tonight we went to a special storytime at the library to hear the book read and see some of the characters.

We also got to have a special dinner beforehand...PURPLE pancakes, what else?!!!  Eden and Bennett were pretty excited about all the purple at dinner.  Logan wasn't so sure.  Then he realized purple pancakes taste pretty good.  :)

Eden was a little weary of the crowd at storytime which included the cast of the play dressed up in their mouse costumes.  She ended up enjoying it!

The brothers stuck together and had a good time.  Although, Bennett didn't understand that we were just hearing the book, not seeing the show.  He kept asking "when is the show going to start?!".
At least now we know all about Lilly and her purple plastic purse.  :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Looks like a fun time!! XXOO,NANA