Monday, April 1, 2013


The boys spent three nights before Easter at my parents having fun while I sleep-trained Eden.  Sleep training was a breeze (dare I say it?!) and the boys had a good time!  A highlight was Logan loosing his first tooth!  The tooth had been loose for a while so we were excited it made its way out!  Of course they called right away to share the news!

First tooth lost: March 29, 2013!
Papa got off work early to go have lunch with Nana and the boys at Culver's.  When Logan bit into his corn dog, he chewed on something and said, "what's this?".  Then he said he and Papa looked at it and Papa thought for a minute and then said, "Its your tooth"!  Logan said it was "Amazing" and Benny was equally excited and is pretty sure his teeth are getting loose as we speak.  ;)

He saved his tooth to being home with a cute little pillow that Nana made.  We stuck the tooth in the pocket the night before Easter.  In the morning, Logan had two quarters in place of his tooth.  He immediately decided he would share one of his quarters with Bennett since, "its not really fair for me to have two quarters since Benny's teeth aren't coming out and he can't get any money for them".  I'm not so sure Benny will think the same way in another couple years.  :)

So there was some talk of the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny hanging out together at our house that night.  
Eden woke up happy as usual with her Bunny, Bun-Bun (a gift from Nana last Easter) when she was still a newborn!

The kids were lucky to have presents from both sets of grandparents and some fun baskets and a present from Mom and Dad.

Reading cards.

Fun book from Baggie and BopBop

Chapstick.  Awesome!


And we had a little hunt in our living room from some eggs - color coded this year so no one monopolizes the eggs!  

Fun!  As you can see, Benny chose his own outfit for Easter.  Totally fine - I had some other "nice" clothes picked out that matched Logan and Eden, but he prefers to be in control, and I can respect that.  So Spiderman and jeans with a hole - no problem. 

Hello most adorable girl ever.

Eden was a champ and stayed in the JW Kids wobbler/walkers room the whole time!

Someone even offered to snap a quick pic for us.  Oh - and I didn't even shower - there was no time before church with all the chaos!  I think I am still learning how to do holidays when my husband is a pastor - I am going to have to work on Easter because this year was a little nutty.

Bennett wasn't interested in a photo and even stayed longer at church with John.  So when I got home with Logan and Eden I snapped a quick pic of them.  We had macaroni and cheese for lunch.  It was a casual day which is ok because we talked a lot about the whole reason for Easter is JESUS!!

We played with new toys and Eden was the most entertained!  The boys fought a lot.  Haha.

Happy Easter!  Hope you celebrated with family and friends knowing Christ's amazing love for you!

1 comment:

Mary said...

It looks like a special Easter for your family!! We love you!! NANA