Sunday, March 3, 2013

Eden's First Birthday Party!

We celebrated Eden's birthday a few days early with family in Stillwater.  I had originally planned to throw her a party with friends here in Eau Claire, but I felt myself going out of control (ie: too many ideas, too much money, making me crazy!), so I opted to make it a small special party with grandparents instead.  I'm glad I did.  I know myself and I have a hard time reigning myself in when it comes to parties and planning, so its better for me to stay away from parties altogether!  I knew it would be just as special to Eden to have a small gathering of those who love us most.

We got up in Eau Claire and headed for Stillwater!  This is Eden's favorite spot.

She found the very same spot when we arrived at Nana's!

Party clothes!!

I can't believe how big she is!  And so cute in her birthday clothes.  Love that tutu and her cute little silver ballet slippers.

She thought her balloons were pretty fun and she liked playing with Papa!

I had a few ideas I was working on when I was originally planning a party at our house, so I decided to keep and finish them to use at our little revised party.
I printed some Instagram photos of Eden by month and strung them on a ribbon.

I made her this faux chalkboard out of foam core and pens.  And, just like the boys, I got her the Dr. Suess book and had everyone sign it for her birthday.

My mom was nice enough to get some cute paper products and decorations from Mara-Mi in Stillwater.

They made the table so cute and festive!

I got a plain white cake and made a little pennant.

Many thanks to Papa and Nana for letting us have the party there and for making lunch!

When Bopbop arrived, he said "looks like Christmas"!  

She's spoiled.  :)

The boys took a break for a little "Fresh Beat Band" before lunch.

We had fun just playing around before lunch.  Eden was quick and all over the place!

She was a hungry girl at lunch and especially loved her strawberries!

Can't get enough of that chair!  And I just love that big smile - so perfectly Eden.

When it was time for gifts, I am sure you can imagine that she had plenty of help!

I couldn't resist getting her a baby for her gift.  

She instantly hugged the baby!

Logan read all her cards out loud for everyone.

Of course Bennett was a great helper, too!

"That is adorable", said Logan of Eden's tutus!

We thought a family photo would be nice, so this is a pretty good effort!

Mommy and Eden

Time for "Happy Birthday" and a candle!

Call me "Type A", but I'm not really into the whole cake smash thing.  One piece of cake and frosting is plenty to clean up.  :)

Eden and Daddy


Yep, she liked it!

The birthday girl!  Its amazing what a year it has been.  I think it has been the best year ever.  Eden has been a beautiful light in our family - we can't even remember life without her!  We will get to celebrate again on Wednesday, her real birthday.  :)  Thanks to grandparents for making Eden's day so special!

1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

what a special day for eden! happy birthday eden! she is so, so cute!