Saturday, April 30, 2011

Our First Garage Sale

We had our first garage sale on Thursday and Friday.  We knew we had stored items in our crawl space (this house doesn't have much storage) that we could part with.  So, as we started going through and choosing items to sell, we found that we had quite a bit.  Clothes that don't fit, toys that don't get played with, duplicates of many things, old home decor...there was lots!  So, we set up and sold stuff...John was the garage sale master.  He loved it!  I had to keep him from going inside and picking up more things to bring out to sell for a quarter.  Haha!  Our whole neighborhood has sales this week, so we just jumped on the bandwagon without having to put up signs or advertise at all.  Easy-peasy.  What made it even easier is that everything was either $3, $1, or $0.25 - clearly we didn't spend much time preparing.  It was pretty fun because Friday is one of John's days off work, so we just hung out in the sunshine as a family while we did the sale.  It was enjoyable, but hopefully we won't have another one for quite a while longer.  :)


Mary said...

Your garage sale set up looks great! How nice to be able to set it up on the driveway instead of insdie the garage!! Love, MOM

Holly said...

I would have loved to shop your garage sale Jill! I'm glad you had a sunshine-filled day for it!

Jill said...

thanks holly! :) can't wait to see you and catch up on life...someday! i sent some hugs with leah...