Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vacation Week Two (March 25-April 3)

We enjoyed the second week of our vacation together at home.  We loved our "stay-cation"!  We got back to our normal routine with music class, sport tykes, preschool and playdates.  John was able to be a part of all of it and the boys just loved it!  We also worked on a few projects around home, took some family naps,  and had friends over for dinner.

I didn't take too many photos this week, but I got to take a few a music class since I wasn't there by myself with both boys!

The boys love it when Mrs. Anderson lets us use the drums!

We had lots of times like this: hanging out in pj's and reading books.  The boys developed this great new sense of independence and started to enjoy playing together more than ever.  Here they are reading books to each other.  I melted!

Another day, while I worked on something the boys watch some "Clifford" in the storage closet - just for fun!

To celebrate the end of the staycation - our friends all over for dinner!  It was the best!

Hooray for vacation - and stay-cation!  We've had the most amazing two weeks that have made us a new family.  We have learned who we are and who we want to be.  We can now begin our new journey with open hearts, ready for the adventure!

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