On special days, we shared treats at the Seabreeze down by the beach!
Logan and Kylie had so much fun with the innertubes!
The last night of Week 3 was a special dinner, so we gussied up a little bit (just for fun!). This was the best family photo we could pull off.
Logan was such a cool dude that night!
Benny was beautiful, as always!
After dinner, the kids loved to play on the stage in the dining hall. Logan was a little shy at the microphone, but that's okay with us. Of course, Bennett had to try, too.
Fun with frisbee! Logan and Kylie playing on the lawn. Logan has a seriously good frisbee arm after all the practice this month!
My new favorite photo of Bennett. What a sweetie.
Logan hamming it up on a tree stump. After watching all the games, songs, and characters at Club, everything became a "stage" for Logan. He loved to make-believe and play "crazy games".
On the evening of the long table, we ate a casual dinner off paper tablecloths. Logan discovered ketchup. :)
One day we had the chance to take a boatride. Bennett was not a fan of his lifejacket. Luckily, he fell asleep and napped all the through the boatride.
On the lake!
Digging a hole on the beach and filling it with water became a favorite pasttime.
Bennett loves to splash!
Bennett crawling on the lawn with the Windjammer (dining hall) in the background. Bennett did take his first official steps while at camp, but still preferred to crawl.
The boys playing on the tubes after field games one morning.
All the kids at Club during the last week! What fun for these kiddos!
Both Logan and Bennett loved going to Club. They loved singing, dancing and watching the games. Flash and Dash were Logan's favorite characters and we role play them several times a day! Good memories being made!