Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cozy Cabin

We got to spend Friday night and Saturday morning at our friends' cabin.  Their family owns a beautiful lake home and we caravanned with a total of three families on Friday night, ready for a get-a-way!  Each family has two kids, ages 4 years - 6 months, so it was a ton of fun!

The cabin is used by Jon and Holly's family year 'round, probably at least once a month, so its well-stocked with toys, dishes, snacks, kiddo beds, and even diapers!  :)  Logan latched onto this cool fire truck right away on Friday night.  This kids got to have a little play time to get some energy out after the car ride, but then it was off to bed so the adults could play games!

Saturday morning, Greta and Brynna were mermaids with goggles.  :)  So cute!  I love watching these girls play together!

Logan's little buddy: Carter.  He's a total cutie!

This is the living room, looking down from the balcony on the second floor.  As you can see, there was no shortage of fun!

The kids loved climbing the stairs, "chasing" each other, then looking down at the dads in the living room.

The train table was a huge was the coolest one I've ever seen!  Logan definitely could have played ALL DAY!

Bennett was there, too!  He is by far the baby of the group.  He was just his happy little content self...playing and making everyone want more babies in their own families (well, maybe not everyone!). He's such a sweetie!

After a super yummy breakfast of pumpkin pancakes, eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns; we all headed outdoors to enjoy the beautiful new snow.

Logan was so excited to wear all his gear!

Bennett and I made it out, too!

Little kids all bundled up are just so cute!

Logan was surprisingly agile for being so bundled up!

King of the mountain!

Daddy and Logan: best buds

Logan loved sledding!  He even partnered up with Carter for lots of rides!  It was so cute to see them sledding together!  Love it!  I think these two are going to be good buddies!

Loving the snow and this supercool sled!

B fell asleep while we were outside...he was just so snuggled!

We had such a good time with Jon & Holly and Scott & Leah...what fun to get away for a day and enjoy good friends.  Thanks for a great time...John and I promised to brush up on our gaming skills for next time!  

1 comment:

Holly said...

I love your pictures Jill, thanks for posting! It was such a fun weekend, we'll definitely have to do that again soon.