Monday, July 27, 2009

7 weeks!

Bennett was seven weeks on Friday! He is now smiling and cooing constantly - its our favorite thing! Logan keeps falling deeper in love with Bennett, now understanding that he needs to be gentle and loving all the time. Logan especially loves it when Bennett looks at him and watches him do things. We think Bennett is quite entertained by his older brother!

Bennett is still sleeping a lot of the day. He's so cute and peaceful! He's an awesome sleeper at night, so he's beginning to have a few more hours a day when he's more alert.

He likes to snuggle in on the couch by us.

He's B-I-G! Bennett is so long - just like Logan! He has outgrown so many outfits already, first outgrowing the feet, then outgrowing the length.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Bennett is growing so quickly! What a cutie he is!!
Love, NANA