Friday, December 5, 2008

First Snow!

We've been waiting for a morning where we wake up to snow...Wednesday was it! It was a beautiful cover of about 3" of the soft, fluffy kind! I couldn't wait to get Logan outside in his gear, to see his reaction!

Walking in all the gear isn't too easy...the first steps were a little wobbly!

Logan was so curious and we've been talking so much about snow that he was pretty excited to feel it for himself.

Checking it out...

The outing didn't last too long because it was cold outside and once Logan was down on his hands and knees, he had a hard time getting up by himself, which made him mad. So, we'll give it some time and then try again! When we came inside, we had snuggle time in my bed to warm up before we had to get ready for swimming!

Logan loves playing in our bed and pretending to go "nigh-nigh" on the pillows. I can't get over the silly things he picks up and imitates!

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