Thursday, November 13, 2008


We haven't taken many photos lately, but that's mainly just because its hard to keep up with Logan! John and I had a very special weekend last weekend because my parents watched Logan from Friday afternoon through Monday evening! It was such a quiet weekend for us at home. We accomplished a few projects (and started a few more!) that we weren't able to do while Logan was around. My parents said they weren't too tired after the 4-day-3-night babysitting stint, but they sure kept Logan busy! They went to see the Macy's Christmas Display, visited friends, entertained for dinner, and taught Logan all kinds of new things! I think the long weekend worked out well for everyone and we were sure excited to see Logan on Monday evening!

I don't think my parents taught this to Logan, but he sure has been interested in opening and closing doors lately. He can even reach the knob! Uh-Oh!

You can tell he isn't quite sure if he should be doing this...

Logan often gets himself inside the room by himself...but we're always right on the other side of the door, paying attention.

Such an innocent face! this game wont last long, as we'll have to teach Logan not to play in the doors!

1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

I know it's hard to be away from your little guy, but how good does it feel to get so much accomplished? Glad to know you are all doing well.