Sunday, August 10, 2008


That's right: for the first time in exactly 11 months and 7 days, we were babyless! Logan went for his first solo sleepover on Sunday night at the Holbrook's. We had to be in Stillwater on Monday for the YL Golf Event, so we thought it was a good chance to have Logan's first night without us - and we even squeaked it in before his first birthday! John and I went out for coffee, shopped for Logan's birthday gift, and saw a late movie (not to mention blasted loud music, stayed up late and slept in!).

Here's Logan packing some of his overnight supplies

Nana, Logan, and Papa!

The overnight was awesome. Logan loved it and so did the grandparents. Of course, we knew it would be great! So, we're looking forward to many more of those...(hint, hint!).

1 comment:

Our family said...

I loved checking on all the camp pics throughout the month ~ what an awesome trip! Glad you guys made it home safe and that Logan did well on the road.
Glad you two enjoyed your night alone ~ you deserve a break, I can tell what wonderful parents you both are! Anxious to see you guys ~ it's coming so soon.