Monday, August 4, 2008


Our last camp is almost over and we've had such a great time! We are excited to get home but sad to leave our wonderful new friends. This will be the last post until after we return home, so I'll try to catch up on what's been going on around camp for the last week!

Logan continues to enjoy playing at the beach. This week we tried the main beach where all the kids play during the day. Logan loved watching the campers come down the zip line!

On our night off last week we had a special banquet for the work crew and summer staff. We all got a little dressed up and enjoyed a great meal together!

Us with Jenny


love this smile!

We really wanted a photo of Logan and Roslyn together, all dressed cute, but here's what happened when we tried!

My friend Ashley with her two girls

After the banquet there was a talent show. Katie and Jake played with Logan while I enjoyed the entertainment!

Camp activities are quite the spectacle. Usually after Logan's morning nap, we head outside to watch the activities going on. Logan is so content watching! He especially loves the "Moon Ball" - a giant beach ball! His favorite thing seems to be chasing a ball around these days, so the giant ball really catches his attention!

Jenny was in charge of the game..

Way to go Auntie Jenny!

We also spend a lot of time strolling camp and exploring new things!

Mom and Logan hanging out...

and walking everywhere!

Early morning playtime is special because its about the only time we dont have to worry about all the other kids. Logan and I are typically the first ones up, but are soon joined by more of the littlest kids. I had to add these pics because I think Logan is looking so old! True...he is almost 1, but he's still my little baby!

Playing with trucks from Eiselts and blocks from Holbrooks! Thanks for the packages!

One of Logan's favorite spots to explore!

Yesterday was Garrett's 7th birthday! It was so fun to have a little party! All the kids were there to celebrate! Even the "Blue Ox" (the camp viilian-turned-hero) made an appearance for the kids!

Garrett loves the Blue Ox...

some of the other kids are not so sure! Logan included!

The kids got special pizza, fruit, veggies, and juice for lunch. Here's a picture of all the kiddos - ages 11 years to 11 months!

And Garrett had a really cool Indiana Jones cake. After lunch they had a pinata for the bigger kids.

Logan liked playing with the punching balloons and has figured out how to punch it!

Logan has stolen a lot of hearts at camp with his toothy grin that seems to be plastered on his face at all times! Its going to be an adjustment to go back home and be the only little kid in the house. He's done so well...we are proud parents!

Please pray for safe travel for us this week! We look forward to seeing friends and family soon!

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a fun experience you have had! Logan looks like he enjoys the beach now. We hope your trip home is safe and goes well. Hope to see you soon! XXXOOO MOM