Monday, July 21, 2008


Another wonderful week! Today is "change-over", when one set of campers leave and we prepare for new campers to arrive tomorrow. That means a lot of cleaning, processing changes for the next week, and logistics planning. But...for Logan and I it mostly means the same as everyday...PLAYTIME! I have to admit, I have a pretty good job here, caring for Logan and just being a mom. I am loving the fellowship with other moms and the uninterrupted time I am able to spend with Logan. Its great! Here are some pictures from this week!

The weather has been pretty steamy with some storms scattered in. With all the people coming and going through the Bunkhouse and the kids running around, it can get pretty warm in there. One afternoon, we were all spending time in the living room and Logan was being so wild! Just look at his hair!

The signature scrunchie nose...

The shirt says it all!

With Jenny

Ashley, Roslyn, Logan, and Jenny

Playtime at the beach!

I've been working on getting Logan used to the beach, so we start out on the beach blanket, playing with the water and the sand...

Then we move to the water's edge and sit in the sand...

and eat the sand...

I think Logan is starting to like the beach much better! I mean, look at all those fun beach toys from Nana!

We've really started to make a lot of new friends and its been so much fun! The couple across the hall from us, Josh and Ashley, are from Indiana and they have Olivia (2.5 yrs) and Roslyn (11 months). We have known them for about 4 years because we've been at many YL functions at the same time since the guys have been on the same track for training and classes with YL. We are so excited to be spending such a long time with them to really get to know their family better. Ashley bought this cheap baby pool and we broke it out today because the weather was perfect! Its better than watching the babies eat sand on the beach, that is for sure!

Lounging at the baby pool! It was quite the attraction...although the moms were the only ones who got in!

Ashley and I in the pool with the kids!

Other playtime pictures:

John and Jenny playing with Logan and Olivia (Josh and Ashley's two and a half year old) after dinner.

Linda, one of the Summer Staff Coordinators, is so good at getting Logan to laugh. She kisses his feet and shakes his legs...he loves it! By now, I think he knows its coming when he sees her so he starts laughing right away!

Playing in the sand at the playground.

Everyone at camp sees how close Logan is to walking and they are determined to see his first steps before the month is over! Tonight after dinner, Logan walked all the way from the dining hall to the Bunkhouse (a very long way!), holding onto Daddy's fingers, of course. We even tried to pick Logan up, but he insisted on walking. I think all the encouragement was really keeping him going because you can tell in these pictures that he is having a ball! He loved it! All he wanted to do all night was walk, walk, walk.

Since its everyone's night off, we rented out a movie theatre for a showing of the new Batman movie. Most of the work crew, summer staff, and assigned staff all went. However, some of the younger kids, moms, and all the babies stayed back for an evening in the Bunkhouse. As you can see, Logan was very interested in the olders kids' movie showing on the big screen (only brought out tonight because it was a special occasion). He was so cute...trying to get in there with the big kids and see what was going on.

Logan always needs to be right in on the action.

Ice Cream!

Logan loves it! These pictures are the proof.

Yes...John and I are still here at camp, too. But Logan is the only one worthy of having his picture taken, I guess! I'll try to get some family shots for next week's post!
Take care!


Mary said...

Thanks for all the great pictures and updates. It looks like you are all having a good time. The pictures makes me anxious to hear Logan giggle for me and give me hugs!! Love you guys, MOM

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much Logan looks like Kyle in the pictures where his hair is wild and curly!!

Anonymous said...

Logan is so adorable! His hair is so cute, wild and curly! I hope you are having a great month at camp. Soon he will be walking and that is so exciting!