Monday, July 7, 2008

Day at the Lake

On July 5th we drove to Stone Lake, Wisconsin with the Holbrooks for a day at the lake! My brother Kyle was already there spending the holiday weekend with his Fiancee's family. There was a bridal shower for Ali, so the girls attended that while the boys spent extra time on the lake.

After the shower, we all got to hang around and enjoy the Rime's beautiful brand new cabin and spend time together on the lake. It was Logan's first boat ride and it was so fun!

Logan's first boat ride!

All geared up in the super fancy lifejacket from Grandma Eiselt!

We went super fast to pull the skiers and Logan wanted to snuggle! He really enjoyed the cruising and the motor put him to sleep.

Daddy on skiis!

Hanging out on the dock with Papa...

Logan was smashing in his new swimming gear, all from Nana! Pretty cute!

Amy and I will Ali, our soon-to-be Sister-in-Law!

Thanks to Ali and the rest of the Rime's for a great day at the lake! We loved it!

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