Sunday, June 5, 2011

TWO is cool!

Yesterday we celebrated a little for Bennett's birthday since John was off all day.  We enjoyed the beautiful weather, playing outside, breaking out the kiddie pool, and taking care of a few projects.  Then my family came over (minus my dad who is in Bali on business) for a casual dinner to celebrate with us!

We made cupcakes in ice cream cones!

We made a few regular cupcakes, too...and a giant one for the birthday boy!

Bennett was anxious to read a story with to Uncle Andrew.

Bennett sure loves to hang out with Andrew...

He snuggled right in and gave Amy some competition!

Uncle Kyle and Auntie Ali gave some hockey tips to Logan who was practicing in the garage.

After John mastered the grill for dinner, Bennett decided he wanted to read a book.  So, while the rest of us started our dinner, John read a story of choice to the birthday boy.

I'm not sure if it was all the commotion, company, and celebrating, but Bennett was not interested in most of his dinner.  Thankfully, we had grilled some ears of corn and it was a hit with Bennett.  He was pretty busy with this piece of corn for quite a while. "Nummmm, nummm!"

The guys got most of the snuggles...probably Nana, too, but I snuck one while he was busy with his corn!

Clearly Logan was even more excited than Bennett!  In fact, at this point, Logan looked at me and said, "Mom, this is the best birthday ever!"  We are pretty sure Logan thought it was HIS birthday, too!

There were lots of candles to blow out and Benny gave his best try, but needed a little help from Daddy.

This was really Bennett's first birthday cake since last year we were headed to camp and he enjoyed a breakfast birthday treat.

Kisses for Mommy!

The cake was a hit and everytime  he dove in face first we all clapped and cheered...

it was pretty fun!

Then they played some crazy games with Uncle Kyle (yes: he and John called each other earlier to make sure they could wear matching outfits...just kidding!).

Bennett first opened his special present from Logan...something he chose to buy for Bennett in the $1 section.  Logan was so excited to give it - very cute.

Bennett loved all his gifts from family...

and then would walk around showing everyone saying, "Look!  See this?"

He got some new play food, a baseball glove, and some awesome new Cars!

We got Bennett this little kitchen, which will be a popular thing for both boys!

What a fun day!  I think Bennett loved his birthday, especially with all the special guests!  We get to celebrate in a couple weeks with John's family when Jenny is home for the weekend!  Yay!  Thanks to the Uncles and Aunts and Nana for making the trip over to our house to make Bennett's day so special!

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