Saturday, December 19, 2015

This week..its almost Christmas!

We had a busy week this week...the kids are counting down the days to Christmas!
We started our week with a special dinner with our family small group after church on Saturday night.  We found 3 families to meet with on Saturday nights after church for dinner and bible study.  There are usually about 8-10 kids 10 and under.  They are all such sweet kids and get along so well.  Its been such a blessing to find this group this fall and we hope to continue meeting 1-2 times per month through the rest of the year.  It was special to celebrate with them!

On Monday and Tuesday I went to help out at Logan's class while they made baby blankets to deliver to the hospital for babies who need a warm blanket to take home.  It happened to be at times the Eden was at preschool, so I jumped at the chance to help out.

Logan and his partner's finished product!

 Eden and I went to a Christmas Craft party hosted by a preschool friend!  It was right up Eden's ally....she is such a little crafter!  We had fun!

and we stayed busy at usual!

 Snow!  The first REAL snowfall of the year...Eden couldn't wait to go out and catch some snowflakes on her tongue!  The snow lasted only one day and through the night until it rained the next morning, but we made the most of it!  The boys were so excited too and we went for an evening walk and had a snowball fight before bed!

Everyone pitched in to help decorate cupcakes we made for Eden's party program this week.  Sprinkle overload!!  :)

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