Monday, August 18, 2014

Logan's 7th Birthday and Party

Logan turned SEVEN!  Well, it might as well be 17 because it feels like years are passing in minutes and before we know it he will be a teenager.  After Bennett's epic party, Logan was busy trying to think up a theme and settled on Wild Kratts (the PBS show for kids about wildlife).  Its perfect because it really is a family favorite and I had lots of ideas to incorporate.  We held his party on Sunday, which was also his actual birthday, so that was fun!  Once again, I was lucky to have my sister come over the night before and help me with all the prep.  Thanks Amy!

Logan was so excited for his birthday and he kept saying things like, "Remember when you woke me up on my birthday with the birthday song? Remember when you made a special breakfast on my birthday? Remember when you hung up streamers and then I saw them in the morning?"  So, we had lots to do to get ready for Logan's big day!

Birthday song and special breakfast!  Check!

Since it was a wildlife theme, I couldn't resist making dirt cups.  Actually, Amy made them.  :)

And I made a little cake topper for the jungle-y cake.  It wasn't totally "Wild Kratts" but Logan loved the volcano cake.  

We made creature power vests for each of the kids complete with a set of creature power disks so they can morph into different animals.  They turned out great and the kids really loved playing with them.

Creature power!

Eden was super excited for the party.  Both sets of the grandparents were heading over again so she was pretty excited to see them all!

Of course I had to make Eden her own special creature power vest.  :)

We trimmed a ton of branches the week before the party, so John made a cool beaver dam out of them for the kids to play in.

And we had giant jenga...

The kids had some serious jenga skills - we were so impressed!

I came up with a bug/reptile hunt for the kids.  Each kid had a different list of what to search for and this was their favorite activity.  In fact, we did a few rounds of the grandparents re-hiding the bugs for another round.

Then we played a game of Cheetah was not for the faint of heart.  Man, 7 year old boys can RUN!

We made "bats" out of tennis balls and John threw them up for the boys to catch - like a game of 500.

And after all that running, they were excited for cake!

Happy to be one of the boys :)

The party was a success and we were once again kinda relieved when it was over.  Everyone stayed for dinner - we grilled outside and Logan got to open presents.  Many thanks to both our parents for making the day so special for Logan!

Logan was so excited to get new hockey skates...he will be trying hockey this year for the first time...he is pumped!

The boys got fossils to dig for, so they were busy chipping away while...

Papa helped Eden build a little Lego.

And one more time for cake!

Happy Birthday Logan!  You are such an amazing kid - we are so lucky to be your family!  Can't wait to see what the next year has in store!  We love you!

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