Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2013 Family Photos

On a whim (as usual!) we got our family photos taken with my sweet friend Rachel.  She no longer does photography, but once in a while she is like, "Hey do you need family photos?"  And my answer is always YES!  We had lots of fun this year and the kids asked for a "silly photo", so you can guess which ones those are!!  Here are some favorites:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Learn to Skate!

Logan is in Learn To Skate this year.  He tried it one other time when he was just 4 and he didn't love it so we gave it a break.  He said he was ready this year, so we signed up and he is loving it!  He really rocks out there on the ice!!  Sometimes Bennett takes his skates and enjoys the free skate between lessons with Logan.  Bennett can join in on lessons anytime...

Early Mornings!

Eden has taken to early mornings again...shifting between 5-5:30 wake ups.  Ugh.  I can tell I'm older because I used to just be able to get up with the boys and start my day when they were early risers.  With Eden I need like 20 cups of coffee at that hour!  Everyone gets up early for school these days.  I'm the driver this year with John's plate so full of work/seminary - it helps him have a longer day if I do all the school drop offs!  Logan goes everyday to Kindergarten this year and Benny is M-W-F 9-11:30 at preschool.  

Yogurt, toast, and oatmeal are favorite breakfasts this year for all the kids.  Eden has taken to sitting on the counter stools and being one of the big kids.  We still try to get her to sit in a booster when we can.  She is the Baby, after all.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Amy's Fall Visit

Amy was home from Virginia this fall and she took time to make a trip over with Nana and Papa.  We were lucky to have the day with her!  Time at home is precious for her since its few and far between these days.  Thanks for making us a part of your trip Amy!  We spent some time at our house...we had fun catching up and the kids were thrilled to spend some time with Auntie Amy.
Then we went for an early dinner downtown at Smiling Moose Deli...

Its always a little pandemonium when we take the kiddos out to eat (we don't go that often).  They did great and especially enjoyed their pudding (which they ate before their meals.  Ahem.)

Then it was on to skating lessons!  Brrr!  We didn't want Amy to forget she is from the North!  :)

Logan skated his lesson while we watched and chased Eden around the arena.  Can't wait for the next visit, Amy!!  (Bring Dr. S!!!)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Best Seat at the Field

Logan: Eggplants Soccer!

Logan is in his second year of AYSO soccer and its amazing how much improvement we can see in his coordination and skills as a six year old!  Its so fun to watch him play and enjoy the game.  Logan is on a team with a few of the same kids and all of the kids are from his school, so we really enjoy getting to know the families.

Logan and his buddy Jack.

Bennett was too cute with his bright blue eyes not to take a photo.  It was fun and games for the first couple, but then he'd had enough.

Logan seems to naturally take on a defensive role - loves to guard the goal or kick down the field.

We have also seen Logan score lots of goals already this season (I'm sure he has a running tally, so I will update you later).

Go #3!