Monday, July 22, 2013

10th Anniversary

 We got to spend our 10th Anniversary (10 years...really?!) on Lake Minnetonka in John's uncle's cottage.  The cottage was a part of the property when they bought the land to build their beautiful lake home.  They kept the cottage (at the City of Excelsior's request) and renovated it.  Its a beautiful little escape.  We had a relaxing weekend of sleeping in, walking everywhere in Excelsior (no strollers or baby carriers!), eating out (long dinners without cutting up kids' food!), and having UNinterrupted conversation!!  
The cottage was a part of the property that John's uncle purchased when they built their beautiful lake home.  The city required them to keep one of the 7+ cottages for historical purposes.  Its a true gem now - after lots of restoration!

Perfect little cottage in a perfect location.

The cottage has been restored to its original time period and is so quaint.  We loved all the details and appreciated all the work that went into creating what it is today.

We didn't spend much time in the cottage: we walked all over the little city of Excelsior to flea markets, shops, cafes, parks, and the beach.

Some quiet reading on the beach before dinner.

Steve took us out on a 5 hour boat tour one day - we toured the entire lake and even stopped for dinner at Lord Fletcher's on the Lake.  It was so wonderful.

This turned out to be the perfect little get away for our anniversary celebration.  Many thanks to Steve for his generous hospitality!

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