Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baby Girl

With the other kids, we always had a nickname: Logan = "Baby Grape" and Bennett = "Baby Kumquat".  I'm thinking this baby is just going to be "Baby Girl".  In this house, that sets her apart from the rest.  :)

Here is Baby Girl's profile from our ultrasound on October 25th.  The ultrasound technician kept laughing at what a happy girl she is: here you can see her mouth open as if she is giggling.

And, she gave us this sweet-as-can-be wave from my tummy.  This is the boys' favorite photo because Baby Girl is waving to them.  Bennett likes to say, "Hi baby" to my tummy and then give it a kiss.  I'm hoping his sweet side is the one that shows when the baby is born!
This whole family is so excited to meet Baby Girl (John, of course, has already nicknamed her "The Princess"...uh-oh!).

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