Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Have you heard?

We moved!  It all happened October 5-October 7 and it was crazy!  Somewhere in the middle of moving in, we found time to have my friend, Rachel, take our family photos!

The brothers! 

 And, in case you haven't heard...these brothers are going to be BIG BROTHERS in 2012....

 Yes, I am growing a bump.  This baby loves to kick and wiggle, just like the others always did.  Baby 3's due date is March 10th, which brings me to 20 weeks this week!

Of course, we are thrilled that our family of FOUR will so soon become a family of FIVE!

So, my lack of blogging has a lot to do with baby, a lot to do with moving, and a lot to do with too little time!  We hope to update the blog on the few weeks we missed, so check back into September and October for updates I haven't yet posted!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! You look so beautiful. I can't believe your little guys are so big! How is the new house? You will have to post a picture. Talk to you soon.

Amy said...

Love it! Love you!

Our family said...

Love them!!! I've been keeping up with you guys through Jod and Shirley :) I hope the transition is going well with the boys and praying for that sweet baby in that adorable tummy!

McCarthys said...

Congrats, Jill and John! You have so many exciting things going on right now! Love Bennett's shirt ~ Dylan wore the same one in green for our family pics!!