Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Party Program

Tonight was Logan's Spring Party/Program at school!  We have really loved Noah's Ark Preschool this year and tonight was a great time to celebrate Logan's first year in preschool.  He has made great friends, learned many new skills, become a wonderful peacemaker, and we are so proud.  Both sets of grandparents came to see the program and even Auntie Amy.  It was a big group - both morning and afternoon Tues/Thurs kids.

Shakey Egg song
(Logan is top row, center with a navy blue t-shirt)

Logan was super loud (I think probably the loudest one) so we could hear him the whole time!  He had so much fun performing his songs with his friends.  Between songs, Logan would wave and say, "Hi Baggie, Hi Bopbop, Hi Mama, Hi Daddy, Hi Benny, Hi Nana, Hi Papa, Hi Amy".  Seriously.  It was funny and quite the list...over and over.  Haha!

After the program we had treats and sat around to visit for a while.

Thanks for coming, Amy!

Big smiles for Baggie and Bopbop!

More smiles for Nana and Papa!

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