Thursday, July 22, 2010

Go Twins! [Updated]

We were lucky to have tickets to the Twins games at Target Field last Tuesday.  We've been waiting for the game, since it was our first time to the new ballpark.  Logan was so excited!  Amy and Andrew went with us and we decided to leave Bennett home with Papa and Nana since the game started right at his bedtime.  It was special time for Logan and he really loved everything about the game.

We were impressed by the ball field but didn't have too much time to look around - we went right to our seats for the start of the game.

Logan was one super excited little boy - we couldn't get enough of those smiles!

The three of us!  We can't wait to bring Bennett next year!

Thumbs up!

The impressive new ballpark.

At our seats behind home plate with A & A.

Dusk with the Minneapolis skyline - my favorite view of the night.

We wanted to get Logan a new hat because he has outgrown his, but since we couldn't find one, he got the T.C. Bear Claw instead.  Logan really loved that bear!

Logan was sitting on my lap, cheering with his new bear claw when a cameraman sat just a couple rows in front of us.  When there was a break in the game, he pointed the camera straight at Logan and filmed him for the jumbotron!  Andrew was quick enough to catch this photo above on his iPhone when the cameraman started filming.

Ironically, we ran into some Minneapolis friends, Troy and Mary, on our way in the ballpark.  Wednesday morning, Troy sent this photo to John.  Troy was playing around with his fancy camera, checking lighting, etc when he inadvertently snapped this photo of Logan and I on film.  He didn't even know until later that he got the photo of US!  What are the chances?!  Of course, once Logan was on the big screen (or the "stage", as he called it), we got texts and calls from friends at the game saying, "I just saw Logan on the jumbotron!  We're here at the game tonight, too!"  It was awesome!  John summed it up like this:

Twins ticket: $59
Parking: $15
Foam T.C. Bear Claw: $12
Logan on the big screen at his first Twins game: PRICELESS.

That says it all!


Mike and Sarah said...

That's awesome!!! Did you have that planned or was it just random?

McCarthys said...

So cute! How lucky for Logan and what a great picture to remember the his first Twins game!