Wednesday, May 28, 2008


After Amy's graduation, John flew out to Colorado Springs for a class for his masters degree. So, Logan and I planned to spend a couple more days at the Holbrook's. Well, a couple days turned into pretty much all week. I caught a horrible cold and was pretty sick at the beginning of the week (great timing while John was gone!), so I stayed in Stillwater for the extra help and extra sleep!

Nice wheels! This will be super fun when Logan is big enough to play out on the driveway at Papa and Nana's!

"We don't feel good, but we still smile!"

So cute! Such a tired boy...we think there are more teeth coming soon...

My mom came back to Eau Claire with us for a day when we had Logan's 9 month appointment. Check out Mr. Big Boy standing on his own!

At Dr. Gilmartin's office! The report: nearly 24in. and 23 lbs! Growing strong and healthy!


Mike and Sarah said...

Yeah! Thanks for the udpates. We missed you :) I hope you are feeling better. I'm sure you are happy to have John home. BTW, I can't believe Logan is standing on his own already!

Our family said...

Oliver may be catching up fast! We've been missing you w/ no updates for awhile ~ glad to hear you are all back home and getting healthy. Angie