Thursday, January 31, 2008


Yes, its true! Andrew proposed to Amy on the beach on January 23rd! How exciting!
We were thrilled to be all together to celebrate the exciting news! Andrew did a great job getting the ring...its beautiful and he even got down on one knee in the sand!

Here are the two engaged couples! Kyle and Ali will be married in Sept and Amy and Andrew probably about a year later.
Well, being the planner person that I am...I can't think of anything better than TWO weddings on the horizon! Fun! I have plenty of ideas to go around.

We love Andrew and love that he and Amy are such good friends to each other. Andrew is also great with Logan and is going to be an awesome uncle! Andrew leaves at the beginning of March for spring training with the MN Twins and then will play on a minor team for them this spring and for the second summer in a row. Pretty exciting!

Congrats, you two! We're pumped!

1 comment:

Ben Dodds said...

SOunds like it was an eventful trip!!! WOW!!! Did you guys renew your vows in Mexico since everyone else was making the big promise!!! How did the L Train do?
You'll have to keep me in mind for all of these weddings!!! YEAH WEDDINGS!!!!!