Thursday, January 31, 2008

Winter Blues

Well, now that all our trips are over...the winter blues have set in.

At least I have Logan to help with the laundry!

Logan is 5 1/2 months!


Yes, its true! Andrew proposed to Amy on the beach on January 23rd! How exciting!
We were thrilled to be all together to celebrate the exciting news! Andrew did a great job getting the ring...its beautiful and he even got down on one knee in the sand!

Here are the two engaged couples! Kyle and Ali will be married in Sept and Amy and Andrew probably about a year later.
Well, being the planner person that I am...I can't think of anything better than TWO weddings on the horizon! Fun! I have plenty of ideas to go around.

We love Andrew and love that he and Amy are such good friends to each other. Andrew is also great with Logan and is going to be an awesome uncle! Andrew leaves at the beginning of March for spring training with the MN Twins and then will play on a minor team for them this spring and for the second summer in a row. Pretty exciting!

Congrats, you two! We're pumped!

Hola Amigos!

The whole crew:
Ali, Kyle, Jill & Logan, John, Mary, Pat, Amy, Andrew

We were lucky enough to travel to Mexico with Jill's family again this year...its becoming quite the family tradition that we all look forward to all year!

This year had some of its own special highlights:
Logan's first trip out of the USA
Kyle and Ali's first trip as an engaged couple (next year at this time, they will be married!)
Mary's birthday
Amy and Andrew's engagement!
WOW! It can't get much better than all that!

Once again, Logan was a great traveler and he really loved spending so much time with his Nana and Papa and all his Aunts and Uncles. Everyone is so great with Logan, its fun to see him bond with each person. We are very grateful for this great week of relaxation! THANK YOU!

The resort...we spend everyday by the pool...rough duty.

Pat and Mary

Kyle and Ali
(They have set their wedding date for Sept 13, 2008! So exciting!)

Amy and Andrew (Immediately after the proposal!)

Loving our time together as a family!

Hanging out with Papa

Check out my hat!

Logan seems to love the attention from guys...Dad, Papa, Uncles...I think he likes the low voices!

It was so fun to have Logan in onesies all day.
He certainly loved having all-day access to play with his toes!

Mary's Birthday!

We were all together for Mary's birthday and went out to one of our outdooir faves for dinner.

We think this sign is funny!

Playing at the Pool!

Logan loved playing with his water toys in the pool

"Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum...Look out for Uncle Kyle!"

La familia!

Logan wasn't quite strong enough to sit up in his floater...he liked it for a few minutes,
but the pool was a little chilly!

Logan was lucky to have so many people to play with all the time!


Logan got the big sun bed all to himself...

Walking and napping with Papa

The Beach!

Mom and Logan on the beach

Dippin' those toes in the ocean! Logan had so much sand between his little toes...

Monday, January 14, 2008

ASC 2008

Last week was our first true family vacation. It was so much fun!
We headed to Orlando, Florida for the Young Life All Staff Conference 2008.
Every four years, Young Life gathers their staff and spouses from around the world to
celebrate our work with kids! Its a truly amazing experience to be with 4000 others
who share a passion for kids and Christ.
We got to spend time with special friends worship with Jars of Clay,
and learn from talented speakers all week long. It was great!

Our arrival at the Marriot World Center

We didn't waste any time getting Logan used to the water. We had a couple of low-key days on Monday and Tuesday, so we go to spend all our time together, relaxing....check out those palms.

Logan loved the water! We started out in the kiddie pool, but once it got a little chilly, we went to the spa pool with our buddy Caedon. Nice and toasty in there! The boys loved it!

Logan was so good! He played by the pool...sitting in the shade with mommy.

And he slept by the problem getting those naps in! All that swimming makes us tired!

When we took Logan's UV shirt off the first time, the writing from the inside of the shirt had transferred onto his back like a little tatoo. So, we had to joke about how we got our baby a tatoo on his first vacation.

Young Life does a great job of pulling off some cool surprises for the conference. One night, Jeff Foxworthy showed up for a special edition of "Are You Smarter Than A 9th Grader", followed by a comedy routine that evening, and an appearance at the general session the next day. As it turns out, the Foxworhtys are YL supporters and Wyldlife leaders in their hometown. John was lucky enough to get his photo with Jeff Foxworthy...pretty cool.

We also got to take Logan to Disney World! That's right, this lucky little 4 omnth old got to see the Magic Kingdom! We had a choice of tickets to any park for the day and we mostly took Logan just for the novelty of being at Disney. So, it was a short but fun day trip!

Logan trying to drink out of John's water bottle - so funny!...
Ready to jump on the bus for Disney!

Fun on the bus!

Logan was obviously very excited...
that's him sleeping in his stroller for the first half hour or so...

Eventually Logan woke up and he was so good the whole time.
He loved looking at all the colors and people!

Daddy and Logan riding Dumbo...

Mommy and Logan with Pinocchio and Jimmeny Cricket...

Much to our dismay, Mickey Mouse was nowhere to be found. John was rather disturbed that there weren't enough Mickey's running around to be seen by all. I mean, was it Mickey's day off or something?! Oh well...we'll save that for next time.

Our last night was a formal dinner and another surprise.
Logan was a superstar, just like he was all week. He stayed on schedule and went to sleep during dinner. Then he woke up during the show because it was so loud, but he just sat contently on my lap, taking it all in. What a good baby!

with Kyle and Jen

And the surprise guest... wildlife expert Jack Hannah!

You might know Jack Hannah from the Late Show with David Letterman...he is a proponent of YL, as it has changed his family's life with his daughter and son's involvement. He brought animals was hilarious!

All in all, Logan was a great flyer. He had a brief freak-out on both flights, but as soon as we were able to get out of our seats and walk a little, he was fine. More proof that Logan just can't sit still. Crazy man. On the way back, during landing, Logan was eating and he had a big poop....followed by another big poop....and then a big pee. So, his diaper was literally DRIPPING all over! Yikes! As soon as I felt the warm goo on my lap, we quickly wrapped Logan in his blanket (see pic below!) to stop the running. Yeah, it was totally nasty and smelly. But, thank goodness it was the end. We changed Logan once our row was off the plane and we could use all the seats. I'm sorry to say there was a tiny remnance of Logan's poopoo on the airplane seat. I tried scrubbing it off with a wipe, but I think its there to stay.

Yay! One trip more to go this month! Mexico here we come..........