Friday, December 28, 2007

Logan's First Christmas

Then it was off to Holbrooks for a beautifully white Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
We all found ourselves so excited for Christmas this year, feeling that a little of the "magic" of Christmas is back with Logan here to celebrate with us!

Here we are after Christmas Eve service at Eagle Brook Church.

Logan and Mommy by the stockings on Christmas morning.
"Such fun wrapping to play with!", says Logan!

Logan's new "big boy" carseat from Papa and Nana! The box was shaped like a chair, so we had him sitting and standing on the present all week.

Pretty luxurious...its like a lazy boy in the back seat of the car. We're a little jealous, to be honest.

Auntie Amy and Uncle Kyle were great at helping and playing with Logan!

What a lucky little guy!

Logan even helped Papa make his famous pancakes...yummy yummy!

Thank goodness for Papa and Nana...they took the early morning shift a few times so we could sleep in....Merry Christmas to US!

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