Thursday, September 6, 2007

Leadership Weekend at Castaway

We went to Young Life's Castaway Club this weekend with our volunteer leaders.
Of course we took Logan along and he did great!!!
He slept a lot and broke a lot of hearts with his devastating good looks

A perfect sunny day with the fam at Castaway

Dad and Logan going for a walk

Logan breakin' hearts with the ladies.
These are some of our leaders, meeting Logan for the first time.

"Mom look, it's Auntie Amy."
Amy is a Young Life leader in Minneapolis and came up for Leadership Weekend.

Hey Dad!!!

He's so funny when he just looks around and makes faces.

The Eiselt's and The Exsted's. Jen, and Kyle and their 9 month old Caedon.

Caedon and Logan hangin' out. Don't worry, Logan wasn't uncovered for long.
He went back under his blanket after this picture.

Our awesome team of leaders at beautiful Castaway.


Mary said...

John and Jill,
You do an awesome job updating your blog! Thanks for all the great pictures of your beautiful son!!
Love, Grandma Mary

Ben Dodds said...

nice work on the Castaway pictures....When did the sun come out?? I missed that all together. Are you sure you didn't photoshop that in??? Have a good one!!
