Friday, December 28, 2007

19 Weeks Old!

Some pictures from this week!

Logan tried an ice cube...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

hanging out with mommy

big hands

Naked privates showing this time!

can you see my teeth????


Okay, so basically I was the "mama-razzi" before, but John and I got a new camera for
Christmas from my parents. So, now its really bad.
And, John is on the bandwagon, too...its just too fun to shoot with an SLR...

here's a few of our faves from the first day of our new camera.

Bambino Grande

Logan's Mountain Boy sled is so cool! Its actually called the "Bambino Grande" got that right! Perfect for our grande bambino!
We enjoyed taking Logan out a few times over Christmas to enjoy his new toy.
The funny part is that Logan doesn't really know what's going on, so really, its purely for our own enjoyment of seeing Logan scoot around on the snow.
But oh well, we hope he grows to love it!

Daddy will no doubt teach Logan to love the snow as much as he does.
Look at those boys...precious!


Did someone say, "Auntie Ali?"...

That's right! Kyle and Ali are engaged! The exciting day was December 22 and Kyle did a great job with a beautiful ring and proposal!
Ali loves Logan so much...we are so lucky to have her as an official part of the family!
Congrats, you two!

Logan's First Christmas

Then it was off to Holbrooks for a beautifully white Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
We all found ourselves so excited for Christmas this year, feeling that a little of the "magic" of Christmas is back with Logan here to celebrate with us!

Here we are after Christmas Eve service at Eagle Brook Church.

Logan and Mommy by the stockings on Christmas morning.
"Such fun wrapping to play with!", says Logan!

Logan's new "big boy" carseat from Papa and Nana! The box was shaped like a chair, so we had him sitting and standing on the present all week.

Pretty luxurious...its like a lazy boy in the back seat of the car. We're a little jealous, to be honest.

Auntie Amy and Uncle Kyle were great at helping and playing with Logan!

What a lucky little guy!

Logan even helped Papa make his famous pancakes...yummy yummy!

Thank goodness for Papa and Nana...they took the early morning shift a few times so we could sleep in....Merry Christmas to US!

Over the river and through the woods...

All set for our week of Christmas, we literally packed up and went
"Over the river and through the woods" to grandma's house (and grandpa's, and papa & nana's, too!).
First stop: the Eiselt house where Scott was home from North Carolina for an early Christmas!

Logan got one more chance to wear all his Christmas duds.

It was so fun to see Uncle Scott...and he was such a good napper with Logan!
Scott hadn't seen Logan since he was 1 week old...just a little bigger!

Logan enjoyed opening presents - for a couple minutes. The crinkly paper is the coolest part! Logan got an awesome sled from Grandma and Grandpa Eiselt, along with many other cool toys, etc from the family! Thanks, guys!

Here's Daddy teaching Logan about the doggies. Logan would stare at the dogs and flinch when they got too close. The dogs were pretty good by the end of the week...they played very nicely!

Monday, December 24, 2007

"Santa's Got A Brand New Bag"

It's no real secret that my fave movie is "Elf" makes me laugh like crazy.

"Code word: 'Santa's got a brand new bag.'" That has special meaning from a couple Eiselt Christmas experiences, too!

Last week, before heading out to the grandparents' for Christmas, we took Logan to see Santa in Eau Claire.

He was such a good Santa, but we had to wake Logan from a nap to get him on Santa's lap, so there weren't many smiles to be had as he was just waking up.

Logan sure was checking everything out...especially Santa's elves. These are pretty typical Logan expressions...the blank stare (I think he gets it from mom!).

I have some more pics on my camera of Logan and John at Santa's workshop - the theme was "Rudolph" and it was pretty elaborate. I will add those later when I can download them on our own computer.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

4 Months!

Logan is 4 months old today! Yay!

Once again, Logan has astounded us all with his size!
17 lbs. 11 oz.!
27 inches long!
Such a good, healthy boy in the 90th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height.

Dr. Gilmartin was impressed with Logan's size and demeanor today.
He was so good and even was superbrave for his shots again.

Logan look like such a person on the exam table...he's so big!
What a lucky have such a sweet healthy boy!

A Tale of Two Teeth

We woke up on Sunday morning to be greeted by Logan's first tooth!
We knew it was coming soon, and to be honest, we're pretty glad that the first one has
broken through. So, its confirmed that he's teething and that explains a lot of the
waking up and restlessness we've experienced for the last month. Whew.

Dad's knuckle is the best to chew on...

but my lion will also be just fine.

Monday morning, we saw the second tooth!
So, we're knocking 'em out pretty quick and at this pace, we'll have him in braces by 9 months!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Morning Shift

Logan has decided that he likes to wake up at 6:00am ....AT THE LATEST!
This week, we had several days where one of us had to be up woth Logan at 5:00.
So, we started taking shifts, one of us getting up, letting the other sleep a couple more hours,
then swithcing off. This was on the second shift, when daddy got to go back to sleep for a little
bit... Poor John was so tired he didn't even wake up at all when I sat Logan on him!

The End of an Era

Well, its official. The end of an era....
No more "exploder", no more "green giant", no more "truck"...not for this family.

Logan and Dad with one last picture of the Explorer.
We always think its funny to look back at the cars our parents had when we were first born,
so we thought we would give Logan the same pleasure.

My guys!

Gotta Wear Shades

In preparation for our upcoming travels, we started looking at Logan's warm weather gear,
to see what will fit. Surprisingly, most of it will fit in January (we think), which is impressive
considering it was all purchased before he was born (aka: before we knew what a tank he is!).

Dad found Logan's sunglasses and wanted them for himself.

"Sorry Dad, but not even you are cool enough to wear these shades. Leave it to me."

Sunshine here we come!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mr. Sillypants

Logan is so much fun! We are quickly learning that every new stage is better than the last.
We have so much to look forward to...its hard to believe this could get any better.

Logan is starting to really love playing little games like "peek-a-boo" and "so-big"!

oh my can you not just LOVE that little smile?!!