Friday, November 27, 2015

Cutting the Tree

 We marked our tree over a month ago and now the trick was to find the same one again - it had our tag on it, so we figured we could find it!  We were all bundled up for a wagon ride, but were surprised to see a short bus as the transportation this year.  It wasn't really the picturesque traditional feeling we were going for, but oh well.  The kids enjoyed it anyway.  We love Lowes Creek Tree Farm and are hoping they will go back to horse and wagon...or else we may need to try a new spot next year!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Museum Fun

Last year I started really trying to make the most of evenings when John is away.  Currently, that is every Wednesday night for youth group at church.  Sometimes its more if he is on-call or has another meeting.  So, I've been getting creative with our Wednesday nights...anything from the park, to movie night, to picnic dinners.  Now that its colder out, we have to find some warm and toasty activities!  Here are the highlights of our Wednesday night at the Children's Museum in Eau Claire!

Bennett and Eden each made their own "bear", with a birth certificate even!

Logan was excited to see this giant Lego Harry Potter on display!

One of Eden's favorites is playing post office.  :)

And we always have to take a ride in the jeep!  I'm luck to spend my days with this crew!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Christmas Tree Hunting

We headed out to Lowes Creek Tree Farm yesterday to pick out our Christmas Tree!  It was a beautiful November day so it was extra fun to run around in the forest!  The kids all found some "science" to bring to their classrooms this week!  And, we found the perfect tree...although smaller than John would like, I had to remind him that it needs to fit in our living room!