Monday, June 30, 2008


Sometimes Logan wakes up with an alfalfa sprout on top of his head!

We've had a busy week visiting grandparents and friends in Stillwater and the Twin Cities. We're tired tonight, but will have fun posts up later this week with lots of pictures!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Iggy!

Today we got to celebrate Ignacio's 1st Birthday with many other new friends at the beautiful Florian Gardens in Eau Claire! Shannon threw and unbelievable party for Iggy, so I have to dedicate this post to her! The most amazing part is that she is due to have her baby girl any minute! I don't know how she did it with contractions and all, but it was so lovely! She is my hero!

Unfortunately John left for camp today, so he missed the festivities, but it was amazing! I hope Logan doesn't remember too much...his birthday might not be much to compare!

Beautiful balloons, centerpieces, flowers, a gorgeous spread for lunch and delicious cake...

Today was Logan's first up-close experience with a balloon. He went crazy! His hair was standing straight up from all the static!

The Birthday Boy! Iggy was also dedicated in a brief ceremony before lunch. He is so cute - all dressed up in his white suit! Lucky boy got to cruise around in his little car to greet everyone!

Logan had to check out Iggy's cool ride...

Logan got a mini beach ball in his party favor bag. The boys were so cute...playing with the ball back and forth!

Shannon organized all kinds of games for the kids and even had a magician!

Logan was intruigued by this game...popping the bubbles by walking on the plastic!

Magician Jeff was a huge hit with the kids. Ironically, he traveled from Stillwater for the event today!

Iggy got another set of wheels as a special surprise! This was pretty cool and its battery operated...look out world...Iggy on the loose!

I didn't get a very good picture of us, all dressed up for the fancy party. Logan was the most handsome little boy!

I have heard so much about the Florian Gardens, but had never been to was so beautiful! Logan and I spent some time playing outside in the grass before it was time to go home.

This was such a fun day and such a fun thing for Logan and I to do together. We were all dressed up and got to meet many new friends. Soon, it will be Logan's turn to celebrate his birthday!

Me & Daddy

John has been super busy with a seminary class lately. He spent a week in Colorado in May for the class, but the homework was due this week. Something like 6 books to read and just as many papers to write. John did a great jobof balancing his work, homework, and time with Logan. I know its not easy to have so much on his plate, but he was great! John left today with a group of about 15 for a week at Castaway Club in Detroit Lakes, MN. He will be home next Sunday. John was sure to get lots of time with Logan, since they'll be missing each other this week!

Logan likes to "help" John with whatever he's doing.

John is mostly in charge of baths with Logan. Its their fun time at the end of the day!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Little Swimmer

With a forecast of 82 and Sunny, Logan and I decided to visit our friends' pool last Thursday. It was the best day! I thought maybe we'd spend a little time in the water and a little time playing by the pool house, but the pool was as warm as a bath and the sun was out...who could resist a day of playing in the water! Logan LOVED it! Despite our negative experience with swim lessons, Logan voluntarily put his face in the water several times, splashed about, scooted off the edge of the pool into my arms, and motored around with me for hours. It was a great distractions from the usual routine!

We sat together on the stairs and played with water toys

Water toy or chew toy???

Logan liked standing in the water
(pool house behind)

Evidence of a long day in the water!

Chillin' out after a long swim. All dried off enjoying the sun and the grass.

Thanks may never be rid of us now!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

So many visitors, so little time

Logan has been one very lucky boy. He's had so many visitors lately! Papa and Nana came to visit on Wednesday, which was such a special treat! My dad had been traveling for the last few weeks through China, Japan, Singapore, and India. So, he was anxious to see Logan and we were happy to have them over!

We played outside, went for a walk, met John for lunch and much more!

It was a day of fun and games!

Logan sure loves Nana...he definitely remembers her between visits and gets excited to see her!

Logan got a few gifts from the business trip - this panda bear included!

Story time was funny!

I think Logan is reading to Papa in the picture!

Thanks for taking the day for such a special visit!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Logan's New Tricks

Logan has some serious "skillz" these days. Everyday is a new move, surprising us beyond belief! Some of his new talents include:

  • crawling at warp speed
  • dancing to any and every beat he hears
  • waving his arms in excitement, waving "bye-bye", waving his arm for "no"
  • signing "more", "milk", and "eat" (sporadically)
  • playing ball: chasing his ball all around the house and yard
  • giving "High 5"
  • stacking toys, one inside the other
  • brushing his teeth
  • giving hugs and kisses on cue (our favorite!)

Really, his new developments seem endless to us...then again, we're the proud parents, so it starts to get pretty gushy. It's easy to tell Logan is getting close to the 1 year mark because he's really honing those skillz!

Welcome to Wisco!

Ah yes, the Wonderful World of Wisconsin! Last weekend Young Life organized a fundraiser for the kids going to Castaway. They were able to raise over $80 each for their week at camp by running the "Brat Barn" at Festival Foods in Eau Claire. This brings me to my point:

Only in Wisconsin is the "Brat Barn" one of the #1 fundraisers for organizations like YL! Good ol' Wisco...home of cheese, brats, and fireworks. Gotta love it!

The kids made signs and were very successful selling brats and burgers all day long!

Workin' hard for the money!

Logan giving "Tipz"...or perhaps stealing them?!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Double Digits!

Logan is 10 months old!

I can't believe Logan is 10 months old and that last June, we were anxiously awaiting his arrival, feeling his sommersaults in my tummy, and getting the nursery prepared. So much has happened and what a miracle Logan is! We are so blessed!

Hee hee!

Logan has the most contagious laugh! Just about everything is super funny to Logan these days. Its our favorite thing to sit and laugh with him.

Don't you just love it?!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

#1 Daddy

Happy Father's Day John! We think you're the best ever.
Huggggs and kisses!

Lucky John, even got a nap on Father's Day!

"I get my good looks from my Daddy..."

My new favorite picture of Logan!

Look at all those teeth! We have a couple new ones on the way in!

Logan is starting to look more like John...we hear that a lot these days!

Reaching for the camera!


In the last couple months, bedtime has been a challenge because of many factors. Logan is mobile, so getting into jammies is an hour long ordeal, its so light out that its hard to make his room dark enough for "ni-ni time", and brushing those teeth is a hard ritual to get used to!

Logan get to play before bed and after his bath. Usually with no diaper or clothes because he's a quick little stinker these days!


"Bet you guys can't catch me if you try!"

Brushing those pearly whites!

Logan only want to do it himself. So, I have to get my toothbrush and sit there brushing my own teeth. Then he copies works quite well and we have fun playing tricks on each other!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wiggle Worm

We were double-lucky this weekend because Auntie Amy came to visit too! She's been busy these days with her new job at 3M, planning her wedding, and hanging out with friends. So, we were so happy she was able to come over and spend some time with us! I think Amy was surprised at what a wiggly boy Logan is. He's into everything and really cruising around very fast these days. Example: here's what happened when I tried to get a picture of Logan and Amy...

Whoa...what a big baby!