Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome Home Daddy!

Talk about a sight for sore eyes! We were so happy to see John when he came home from Colorado! It was quite the week without him (special thanks to our families for helping out and checking in!). Now that Logan is so much older, he is able to recognize when Daddy is gone. When he saw John, Logan was all smiles and he gave John the biggest, longest hugs we've ever seen. It was so cute! The boys certainly do have a special bond...I can't get Logan to give me hugs like he gives to John after a day at work or some time away. The best part of having John home is that he loved his class and learned a lot...he's feeling more centered and geared up for this summer and another year of ministry in the fall! The week was a blessing to him, so that makes it all worth it!


After Amy's graduation, John flew out to Colorado Springs for a class for his masters degree. So, Logan and I planned to spend a couple more days at the Holbrook's. Well, a couple days turned into pretty much all week. I caught a horrible cold and was pretty sick at the beginning of the week (great timing while John was gone!), so I stayed in Stillwater for the extra help and extra sleep!

Nice wheels! This will be super fun when Logan is big enough to play out on the driveway at Papa and Nana's!

"We don't feel good, but we still smile!"

So cute! Such a tired boy...we think there are more teeth coming soon...

My mom came back to Eau Claire with us for a day when we had Logan's 9 month appointment. Check out Mr. Big Boy standing on his own!

At Dr. Gilmartin's office! The report: nearly 24in. and 23 lbs! Growing strong and healthy!

Congrats to Amy!

The craziness of the last couple weeks started with the YL Golf Tournament on Thursday, John driving to Madison to catch the last day of his Regional meeting Friday, and then all packing up and driving to Amy's graduation from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul on Saturday! Whew!

Sadly, I didn't even take any pictures of Amy in her cap and gown! She looked gorgeous and we were all so proud! By some miracle, the ceremony did not get any rain...there were dark cloud and rain all around the stadium, but nothing but a few scattered drops ever fell during the commencement! It was a great day!

My little sis is gettin' so big!

John and Logan hanging out before the ceremony

Nana and Logan giggling away!

After Amy recieved her dipolma for her degrees in Business and French, we all decided to watch the rest of the commencement "picnic style". So, we chose a spot on the turf and let Logan was much more enjoyable to endure the remaining 1,000 names this way than in the stands!

"I'm so proud of Auntie Amy!"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Young Life Golf Tournament

A couple weeks ago was the Young Life Golf Tournament - the second biggest fundraiser of the year. The weather literally could not have been more beautiful which was a huge blessing! John and the Golf Committee did a wonderful job planning a super fun event for all who participated! Thanks to everyone for so much hard work!

Of course, they always have to throw in a little YL-style fun before the golfers head out for the shotgun start.

Even Grandpa came to golf and show his support for Young Life!

Logan and I enjoyed the nice weather and Logan's first trip to the golf course, but eventually went home for his afternoon nap. We were lucky enough to get back in time for a delicious dinner at Fisher's and some more time with Grandpa and many other friends who made the trip from the Cities to support YL (Sven, Dave, Kyle, great to see you all!). It was a really great event that made me so proud of John and his work here in Eau Claire.

"Stickin' It To The Man"

We started shopping for baby gates way back in March, when we thought we had plenty of time before Logan would be crawling sufficiently enough to get himself to the forbidden destination of the stairs! Well, after trying two different gates at home, being dissatisfied with price and quality, John launched the "Stickin' It To The Man-Baby Gate-'08" project. He has officially designed and built the most cost efficient (well-under $30) and sturdy (I think I could hang on it and swing down a flight of stairs) baby gate known to man (and woman).

Logan just had to be in on the action...

Life father, Like son.

"I want to help!"

He looks pretty happy for a little jailbird, doesn't he? Yay for daddy!

We're Back!


Remember us? We've had quite a busy couple weeks and I'm finally taking the time to sit at the computer and catch up on a couple weeks of emails, happenings, downloads, etc. So much has happened! I'm hoping to sort through images and have all my updated posts done by the end of the week so check back soon!

Hope everyone enjoyed a nice holiday weekend last week!

Blog on...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mommy Day

What a special day it was for my first Mother's Day! Since we had just celebrated graduation, we stayed in Stillwater to spend more time with family. On Sunday the sun was out, but the air was a bit chilly. We took the chance to enjoy the day and headed downtown Stillwater for a stop at our favorite Starbucks and some shopping.

On our way back to the car, we stopped at Teddy Bear Park with Logan. This park has been redone in the last couple years and it is so neat! I can't wait until Logan can appreciate it a little more!

Mommy and Logan on the slide.

Happy Mother's Day to all our moms, aunts, grandmas and friends!


Our biggest congratulations to Scott and Jessica! Yes, another engagement has occurred...and we couldn't be happier! As you can see, Logan is quite excited for his new Auntie Jess! Scott was able to come home from Charlotte NC for Jenny's graduation and we knew he was bringing his girlfriend, Jessica, for us all to meet...little did we know that by the time we met her, she would be Scott's fiance!! Very exciting! Congrats, you two! Can't wait to see you both again in August!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Look Out West Virginia!

Jenny graduated with honors on Saturday from St. Ben's with her degree in Dietetics. My fellow Bennie ("once a Bennie, always a Bennie", right, Jenn?!). She's moving to West Virginia in September to complete a year long, highly sought after internship that will result in her being a Registered Dietitian. Way to go, Jenn! We're so proud of you!

Logan was a total champ. It was such a long day and he just smiled (well, and made this weird face, too!) all day long!

The Eiselt Sibs

Mommy and Logan dancing at the post ceremony reception
(at this point: anything to keep the little guy happy!)

The graduate!

Auntie Jenny is so grown up! Congrats, Jenn!

(PS-Check out Logan's curly hair! Its so long now and the sides are so curly!)

Thursday, May 8, 2008


On Wednesday night we gathered with almost 30 Young Life leaders, committee, and YL supporters to celebrate the year and to thank them for all theie dedication. We couldn't do Young Life without each of these special people and their gifts and talents. Thanks so much to everyone for loving kids and serving through Young Life!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Logan's Workbench

In just one week's time, Logan has gone from barely crawling, so speeding across the floors on his hands and kness like a pro. AND, from working hard to pull himself up to standing against anything and everything and cruising around the house from chairs to tables, etc. Yikes! It's amazing the pride you feel when your child achieves these milestones. Endless praises of "Good job! Way to go! You did it!". I also marvel at the miracle that is life and how babies learn and develop so quickly. Logan will soon be nine months old and we just can't believe that once he couldn't do anything except sleep all day! Sometimes I miss those days...but each new stage is so exciting that I wouldn't have it any other way!

Logan is taking after his father...and grandfathers.
I've set up his little workbench today in the living room and he can't get enough of it.

Logan is pretty proud because he just walked from the chair in the background, around the ottomans and over to the little play table. What a big boy!

So much to explore!

So brave! Logan does the "look mom, no hands!" thing quite often. Many times, this has resulted in bumps or bonks on the head. But, Logan is pretty tough...we usually don't have any tears.
Our coffee table has been evicted from the living room and it been nice to let Logan climb on the ottomans without worrying about corners or shelves.

Busy boy!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Outdoor Fun!

We had such a nice Sunday today! We went to church and Logan napped the whole time so John and I could both sit and enjoy the message from Pastor Paul at Bethesda. That doesn't happen very often! We saw a some friends at church and were welcomed with bright sunshine and blue skies when we walked outside!

John decided to plant some trees (five trees to be exact) and we thought it would be a perfect day to put up Logan's new swing from Grandma and Grandpa Eiselt. We spent the majority of the day outside, starting with a long walk around the neighborhood while John went to the tree farm. Logan took a nice nap in his stroller and was energized when John got home so we played and tried out the new swing. Hope you all enjoyed a lovely day of rest!

Logan loves crawling in the grass!


Lovin' it!

Smooshy Love

Daddy's boy


Checking out the grass

Flying High!