Friday, June 6, 2008

Pajama Day!

We've had our fair share of "pajama days" this week where we stay in our pj's until after Logan's morning nap, and sometimes even until after lunch! We've had lots of rain and not a whole lot going on this week, so we've taken advantage of that and cozied up inside most mornings this week. I don't stress over it and even relish in the laziness of it all, just enjoying the time I get to spend each day with my son! What a gift!

Who knew that books where actually so much more...I would consider them to be Logan's favorite toys. He plays with them for hours! Turning pages, feeling the textures, looking at the colors (also eating the pages, ripping them, bending the covers, etc, etc!).

Logan gets all the books out and I put them away several times a day. Fun game (sort of...).

That smile...those eyes. What a lovely little man we have!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

we have these PJ's too....